Can You Ask for Reviews or Testimonials in a Contract

According to a B2B Content Marketing Written report Survey, customer testimonials were plant to exist more than effective than whatever other type of content marketing.

Another report from Nielsen found that testimonials are the 2d most trusted form of data about a brand or product, with the virtually constructive being recommendations from people known personally.

Should we look at nonetheless another study that shows why testimonials are crawly?

Search Engine Land plant that approximately 72 percent of surveyed consumers indicated that they trust reviews equally much as personal recommendations. 52 pct said that positive online reviews will increase the likelihood that they'll patronize a local business organisation.


  • How to Ask for a Testimonial
  • ane. Do an Interview/Survey at the End of the Project
  • 2. Use What People Are Already Saying
  • 3. Take a Quick Video While Meeting With a Customer
  • 4. Enquire to Swap Testimonials
  • 5. Support Your Ask With a Compliment
  • Testimonials – Now With 100% Less Ick

awkward conversations

All of these studies point to one fact: Testimonials about your make are one of the best tools to raise the online reputation of your business. And then, I've sold y'all on the power of testimonials? Smashing. At present permit's talk nearly how to get them.

How to Inquire for a Testimonial

If you're anything like me, begging for reviews oft leaves a sour gustation in your mouth. Fortunately, that'southward not the only way to become reviews. I'grand nigh to break down how you lot can encourage people to leave testimonials without feeling disgusting and weird most information technology.

1. Exercise an Interview/Survey at the Finish of the Projection

The stop of a projection or milestone is a great time to ask for a testimonial. Setting up an exit interview or sending an online survey is an easy, non-icky way to get your testimonial.

Your clients and customers are most excited virtually your work immediately afterwards you've sent it to them. Make employ of this time by asking for an interview or taking a quick survey.

Neither you nor your client volition feel weird about this. Information technology's somewhat mutual for exit surveys to be solicited at this betoken in the client cycle.

Improve the effectiveness of this method by setting up like shooting fish in a barrel ways for clients to send in their feedback:

  • LocalReviews. LocalReviews created past OneLocal allows you to collect, review and respond to client feedback—all in i place. But send your clients a review survey over text or email. After their review is submitted, it volition immediately populate to your website or preferred social media sites, like Google or Facebook. Plus, all your reviews are tracked within a dashboard, so you tin can easily respond to questions or comments.
  • Google Forms. Of form, Google has one of the best ways to easily operate surveys. Setting up Google Forms is quick and like shooting fish in a barrel, and the answers will be populated into a Google Sheet for your later perusal. Here'due south how to gear up it up.
  • Survey Monkey. Survey Monkey makes it almost as well easy to create and distribute surveys. Once created, you tin use the same survey for similar clients by sending them a link. Results are easily viewed in the back-end interface.
  • Qualtrics. This is another swell survey service. Results are displayed in an intuitive and easily scannable fashion. If you take multiple types of clients that y'all might desire to take different surveys, Qualtrics is for y'all.

2. Use What People Are Already Saying

People may say overnice things and provide feedback through email or even social media. Reach out and go permission to utilise those nice words as a testimonial on your website. If yous sell a product on Amazon, you can even utilize Amazon reviews on your website.

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The key to this method is to make sure that you receive permission from the person who wrote the comment that you'd like to use. Using someone's words without their consent is only bad business. It's even worse if you lot use their name without their knowledge.

3. Accept a Quick Video While Meeting With a Client

As freelancers, we ofttimes find ourselves in client meetings discussing past and future projects. This is a great time to take a moment and catch a quick testimonial video of your client sharing what they dearest about working with yous.

Don't arrive the entire point of the meeting. Instead, after a client has praised you for being amazing (which they volition, cause you are), inquire if they wouldn't mind repeating that on camera.

Explain that it'southward for a video testimonial that y'all'd similar to put on your site or YouTube. If they agree, recreate the moment of them talking about how amazing yous are.

For bonus points, transcribe the video and use excerpts for major landing pages.

four. Inquire to Swap Testimonials

Online businesses thrive on positive testimonials and reviews. This applies everywhere, from manufacturers of diapers to your favorite local Greek restaurant.

Have y'all had a good feel with a business or product? Have they used your production or service? Suggest that yous swap testimonials.

Don't make it weird past saying that you'll only leave a review if they do. Highlight that yous've already left a review and encourage them to do the aforementioned. You tin even write the review for them and ask that they mail it.

Call up to but solicit other companies that have besides used your services. Getting people that haven't actually used your service to say nice things is super icky and ethically wrong.

five. Support Your Ask With a Compliment

stand tall

As Lorrie Thomas Ross, author and marketer, puts information technology, "Asking for a testimonial is but awkward when the requesting political party makes it awkward."

A bang-up way to remove whatever clumsiness that may be lingering is to open with a compliment. Not but will this make them more than likely to provide you with a testimonial, but it likewise expresses your gratitude.

An case of this would be something like,"Your opinion means the world to me—would you lot heed sharing your thoughts most the work I did for you?"

If they respond with feedback, make sure to send an email back thanking them and getting their permission to display the feedback on your website. Yous tin can fifty-fifty offer to link their name back to their website.

Testimonials – Now With 100% Less Ick

Each of the higher up techniques will assistance you receive and so many testimonials that you lot don't even know what to do with them. You'll start using them on sales pages, contact pages, blog posts, videos, and social media marketing campaigns.

Over time, you'll notice how having these testimonials impacts your business. Conversions will increment, and the fourth dimension from initial meeting to endmost sale will subtract.

Don't miss out on the benefits provided by testimonials considering yous're afraid of being awkward or icky. Use the higher up methods and have a new and improved ick-costless testimonial asking experience.

This mail was updated in February 2020.


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