Sagittarius Weekly Tarot Reading, December 16, 2019

The Tarot is the mirror of our soul. Each menu reflects what'south not only going on within usa simply also, symbolises our divine connection to the forces of the Universe – those which nosotros tin can encounter and those which we cannot. The images printed on the cards are symbols that contain the keys to unravel all the mysteries of our existence. Even so, these images have a life of their own, and thus, they change whenever the cards are shuffled. Every shuffle infuses them with magic. Every shuffle infuses us with magic. And then it goes for January 2022 horoscope.

The yr has barely begun, and already at that place's so much that's happening. Non to mention the fact that in less than a week, Mercury shall turn retrograde, adding its special flare to the already existing chaos within the world. Thus, the stars have lovingly sent cute letters – that accept been divined by the Tarot – to help you not but help yous start the week with the best human foot forward, but also inspire you to brand powerful new beginnings that'll farther propel you along your spiritual evolutionary journey. Allow's look at what they have to say.

Read your horoscope for January 2022

Aries January 2022 Horoscope

Aries 2022 Horoscope

Make sure you check the fine impress earlier signing on the dotted line – literally and metaphorically. Information technology's of import that yous don't skim through the details and miss out on hidden clauses or subtexts that might crusade you to make regrettable choices. Even though you are excited to carry on with whatever the undertaking in question is – it'southward of import to not get swayed by the rush of it all. Take a moment – jiff – and evaluate carefully.

Beyond the professional person realm, this is also a week where a simple conversation may escalate all because of a careless turn of phrase or an ill-timed Freudian slip. Non that y'all need to be paranoid about making a mistake, for that'll only heighten the chances of it happening. Instead, merely exist mindful, and think that just as your needs and feelings are valid, so are those others. Thus, information technology's important to choose peace and move on.

Taurus January 2022 Horoscope

Taurus December 2021

It'southward important for you to retrieve that fifty-fifty though your personal ethics and principles are important, sometimes life brings about unexpected twists and turns that strength united states of america to bend and compromise. True, having a steadfast moral and upstanding compass is essential, but when the moment arrives, it's of import to question them, and ask whether we're being rigid and dogmatic – or whether we need to double down and hold the fort.

If it's the latter, so that's great, carry on. However, if it'due south the onetime, then it'southward of import for y'all to call up that rigidity stifles our growth, while dogmatism narrows our worldview – confining us into a toxic chimera where escape becomes all the more improbable with each passing moment. Yes, it can exist really difficult to alter ane's principles, but that's part of life – learning to make adjustments based on the circumstances.

Gemini Jan 2022 Horoscope

Gemini horoscope for 2022

This is a powerful week for you to grab onto various opportunities, even life itself, and charge full speed ahead. After all, your ruling planet, Mercury, shall go retrograde on the fifteenth of this month, for the first time this year. And so consider this the footling 'grace period' for you to rapidly hustle away and practice the needful before – well, you kinda know how life gets oh and so messy during mercury retrogrades in more than ways than i.

It's important for you to sympathise the value of having an 'early on start'. This style, you tin can not but be 1 step ahead of the competition – professionally, and personally – but you tin also be prepared for whatsoever life throws your way (especially during the retrograde). Channel your natural 'nervous energy' towards being super productive, making the most of all the opportunities headed your style before the retrograde.

Cancer January 2022 Horoscope

Cancer Horoscope for 2022

Sometimes it may feel as though you're fighting an uphill boxing all alone against an entire army of external foes and internal demons. When this feeling occurs, it's so important for you to understand that nada and no one can really defeat yous, nor bring y'all down, until and unless you give information technology permission to do and so. Every bit long equally your volition remains strong, and you're able to bravely stand tall in spite of how hard information technology is, you'll power through.

What you must call up is that not everything must be a personal battle till the end. Even if the situation at hand seems dire, at that place is always a peaceful and safety mode out – perchance even a victorious one. Furthermore, you are not lone in this. At that place are many out there willing to help y'all out – personally and professionally – and even in the spirit realm. All you have to do is ask. Doing so will bring powerful aid from surprising sources.

Leo January 2022 Horoscope

Leo Horoscope for 2022

This week is all about receptivity. This is a fourth dimension for you to open your arms (and your middle) to receive with grace. There is and so much that's being handed to you – especially in terms of opportunities, and possibly even higher levels of responsibilities. Information technology's a sign from 'The Universe' that you're not only ready to accept them on, but you're also powerful enough to succeed at completing them, whilst thriving on the thrill of it all.

Information technology'south besides an important fourth dimension for you to exist open to feedback. Call up that not all criticism is a personal assault on y'all. On the contrary, criticism (when constructive) is the means through which one can observe means to meliorate. Even the greatest masters of the past needed it to get better versions of themselves. When the criticism is annihilation just constructive – then it'south a hater that's hating. It means you lot're definitely growing in influence. Own it!

Virgo Jan 2022 Horoscope


Sometimes, not everything needs to be revealed. This is a week where 'The Universe' wants you lot to learn to truly alive in the nowadays, without dwelling in the past that's never going to return, nor anxiously anticipating a hereafter that hasn't fifty-fifty manifested. Easier said than done, perhaps, just beingness present in the moment at manus is a virtue that'll not only help you lot become emotionally stronger but volition besides go along y'all grounded.

Nosotros must also understand that we can't control, nor can nosotros foretell everything downwards to the smallest details. In that location are powerful forces that are beyond even the third heart's telescopic of vision, who make things happen behind the scenes. Rather than drive oneself crazy past trying to figure out their every movement – thus, simply creating unnecessary chaos and defoliation – sometimes it's better to just give up and trust the procedure. It'due south a far more peaceful path to take.

Libra January 2022 Horoscope


This week, don't hesitate from charging full speed ahead towards accomplishing whatsoever you set out to practice. Rather than wasting time hemming-and-hawing and dilly-dallying near the smallest of details, take that first stride forwards and go on on moving on without looking back. True, that tin can exist incredibly risky – simply life is a chance. Living life is even riskier, for there's no guarantee whether an inhale will follow our electric current exhale.

Yeah, information technology is important to clad ourselves in whatever armour we demand in order to feel protected. Behave whatever lucky amuse or spiritual token y'all need in order to canvass through safely. With fourth dimension, however, it'll go as well heavy, and y'all'll need to let become of information technology in society to progress ahead. Don't exist agape of letting information technology become. When that time arrives, it's a sign that you've become stronger than before, and thus the armour and charm accept done their purpose. So release them with dearest and move on.

Scorpio January 2022 Horoscope

Scorpio horoscopr for 2022

At that place's no honor in carrying pain. At that place'south no reward for holding onto the memories of by wounds and traumas. There's especially nothing romantic in nursing a broken heart no matter how cute the sepia filtered memories are. Holding onto all this will not aid you evolve. It'll just entrap you lot farther inside toxic brutal cycles where escape seems all the more improbable with each passing moment. It's time to let go.

It'south so important for you to heal. Even the act of deciding that it'due south time to heal is powerful in itself, for information technology's your way of signalling, 'The Universe', that you're set for improve things to enter your life. Merely when we heal and release the past, tin can we allow a future of incredible potential and happiness to manifest in our present land. Of course, information technology goes without saying, work with a qualified professional to heal. It'll brand the journey smoother.

Sagittarius January 2022 Horoscope

Sagittarius November 2022 Horoscope

Every bit bleak as things may seem, 'The Universe' wants you to know that fifty-fifty the darkest of all nights comes with the promise of an eventual sunrise. As stressful and complicated things may seem, remember that it's all temporary. Eventually, the tough times will end, and blithesome times volition begin. How nosotros survive them depends on how much we're able to remain calm and patient – especially when nosotros're right in the thick of the storm.

Sometimes nosotros place way besides much emphasis on the emotions we adhere to and then-chosen 'good times' and 'bad times'. What nosotros must retrieve is that 'good' and 'bad' are all a matter of personal perception. Time in itself is neutral and moves on irrespective of the qualities we attach to it. This doesn't hateful we shut ourselves off emotionally. Not at all! All we need to practice is cherish the moment for what it was, and so release information technology with love. Easier said than done, but definitely not impossible.

Capricorn January 2022 Horoscope

Capricorn Horoscope for 2022

Sometimes, the greatest lessons come via a wave of thwarting and sorrow. These very lessons likewise bring with them some of the greatest wisdom that helps evolve in means well-nigh people can't even fathom. However, equally much as nosotros attempt to see the lite in such times, the depth of the darkness is a reality we tin can't escape from. Thus, rather than fight it, or plow a blind centre to it – face it! See it and accept it for what it is, and cover it.

Only when y'all practise that will you exist able to actually find peace inside the chaos, and thus creating space for not just closure, simply also to allow healing to begin. Don't exist afraid to inquire for help during this time – peculiarly from a qualified professional, if needed. When we ask for help, nosotros're indirectly signalling to the divine realm that nosotros're prepare for them to intervene in their mysterious ways. Express gratitude and motility on alee. It'll all be taken care of.

Aquarius Jan 2022 Horoscope

Aquarius December 2022 Horoscope

Now is the time to gear up the foundation for the life you wish to build. Have all the time you demand, and ensure that in that location are no cracks and scars – no matter how minor – as fifty-fifty the most minuscule flaw in the foundation tin can bring an entire castle down. In that location'southward absolutely no rush to do so – none any! After all, we know very well that we tin can't rush labour of beloved – just similar we can't rush love itself. Think this, information technology'll serve you well.

It's also important that yous don't suck the fun out of the process. Yeah, building a life is an incredibly serious thing. Still, it doesn't take to be dour, dire, or even remotely boring or depressing. Start with celebrating the fact that you have reached the indicate to begin with life-building. Celebrations and treating ourselves with positive reinforcement allows us to grow oh and so much more criticism and deprivation.

Pisces January 2022 Horoscope

Pisces 2022 Horoscope

Dear Pisces, 'The Universe', wants you to know that no matter how choppy and turbulent the waters may be, you have the power and the ability to sail (or should I say, swim?) through and get to the other side. However, the path you must navigate through may exist quite a tricky ane – causing numerous mental and emotional triggers of sorts. However, rest assured that with patience, you shall persevere, and volition somewhen thrive.

It's so of import for you to understand that you aren't alone in this journey. There are many who not only are in the same boat as you but there are those in positions of power that are willing to lend a mitt – provided yous ask. Yes, it's important you inquire for help instead of hoping information technology comes along the manner automatically. Your consent – particularly your spiritual consent is important. It's how 'The Universe' knows yous're ready to accept and process it in order to achieve future successes.


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